
Freelance Whales: DC's Black Cat Backstage Show

Freelance Whales played the Backstage of the Black Cat last night. This group is not from Brooklyn they are from Queens. They spent some time busking in the subways of NYC. The band consists of five people and some of them are instrument hoppers passing off different duties to each other for different songs during their performance. There is drums, synth, bass, drums, guitar, xylophone, and banjo all played at some point during the set. They have only released one album so they did not play for long. Freelance Whales will whisk you off with sweeping melodies and vocals sung by all of them. This is the sort of band that will come across much better live then they ever will on an album. They received much attention at CMJ Festival this year and has already played sold out show at the Mercury Lounge in NYC.

Freelance Whales - 1st floor generator

Freelance Whales - 2nd floor generator

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